The varied and diverse interests of the NAFSA community are celebrated with our 30+ interest groups, founded by members wishing to explore some facet of their world with others. With interest groups, NAFSAns connect on topics of importance – whether based on the dimensions of their career, affinity for a region or country, and core aspects of their identity.
NAFSA interest groups are one of the most personal and welcoming ways to find your place the association. They are communities that promote the sharing of information and experience among their members and with professional colleagues.
NAFSA interest groups are open to all international educators who wish to connect and network with colleagues who have similar interests, regardless of race, color, national origin, caste, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, marital status, veteran status, or any other characteristic protected by applicable law. Subscribing to a NAFSA interest group requires creating a NAFSA login profile but does not require active NAFSA membership.
Per NAFSA's Standing Rules, an interest group may be established if a group of NAFSA members identifies a common interest related to international education and exchange or related to international education and exchange at a specific type of institution, and if the group wishes to organize itself to create a means to pursue the common interest. Each interest group was proposed by a NAFSA member, reviewed by the volunteer leaders on the Member Engagement Committee, endorsed by a Vice President, and circulated for approval by at least 1% of NAFSA members.
Engage with Others
By Interest
- Black/Multicultural Professionals in International Education SIG (B/McPIE)
- Caregivers in International Education MIG
- Christian SIG
- Creative Industries MIG
- Embassy Dialogue Committee on Education (EDC)
- Foreign Born International Educators SIG (FBIE)
- Global Learning in a Domestic Setting MIG
- Global Nomads/Third Culture Kids SIG
- International Alumni and Advancement MIG
- International Education for Persons with Disabilities (IEPD)
- Internships, Service Learning, and Research Abroad (ISLRA)
- Jewish Community MIG
- Marketing and Communications
- Non-Degree Programs MIG
- Peace, Justice & Citizen Diplomacy SIG
- Phase II: Continuing Educators MIG
- Rainbow SIG
- Returned Peace Corps Volunteers SIG (RPCV)
- Sponsored Program Administration (SPA)
- Sustainability SIG
- United Nations SIG
- Women & Leadership in International Education