Statement by Dr. Esther D. Brimmer, Executive Director and CEO of NAFSA 2017-09-01 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE

Washington, September 5, 2017— Today, the Trump administration announced its decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program following a 6-month delay to allow Congress to find a legislative solution. The program, started during the Obama administration in 2012, allows those who immigrated to the United States as children to stay in this country and continue to study, work and give back to their communities. The following is a statement from Esther Brimmer, Executive Director and CEO of NAFSA: Association of International Educators.

“DACA has allowed hundreds of thousands of young aspiring Americans to live, work and study in the United States without fear of being deported from the only country they have ever known. Ending DACA destroys futures and undermines families, punishing those who have come forward to contribute their energy and skills to this country. These young immigrants have become part of our communities and are Americans in everything but their paperwork. Turning our backs on these innocent young people is cruel and the antithesis of the values upon which our country was founded.

“There are numerous stories and evidence that show the value DACA recipients bring to our economy and communities. The program has unlocked basic opportunities for the nearly 800,000 beneficiaries who have come forward in good faith, passed background checks, paid fees, and been granted permission to live and work legally in the United States. Thousands have been able to fulfill their dreams of attending and completing college. Thousands more are working legally, paying taxes and providing for their families. Today, we stand with immigration advocates across the country in demanding Congress pass a clean version of the bipartisan Dream Act and give these young men and women a path to citizenship, immediately. We must not shut the doors to the American dream or put people at risk of deportation who have already demonstrated that they contribute to and enrich America. Like the generations of immigrants who came before them, DACA recipients love America and deserve the chance to prosper and thrive.”

Sample tweet: .@EstherAtNAFSA calls decision to end #DACA the antithesis of American values & urges Congress to pass the #DreamAct

About NAFSA: With more than 10,000 members, NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the world's largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education. Visit us at To learn more about our advocacy efforts on behalf of international education, visit and @ConnectOurWorld on Twitter. Resources to guide our members on these issues can be found at, which includes a page dedicated to advising DACA recipients.