NAFSA Strategic Plan 2021-2023

NAFSA's work is guided by a strategic plan, developed and refreshed periodically by the Board of Directors. The plan announces the association's vision, mission, and values. It guides the association in developing services, programs, and products to serve its members. We are committed to a standard-setting level of excellence in our provision of services to members and the field.

In fulfilling its vision and mission, NAFSA organizes its goals around the organization’s three strategic focus areas: influencing public policy, creating and disseminating knowledge, and maintaining a strong organization.

Download the 2021-2025 Strategic Plan

Our Strategic Goals for 2021-2025

The strategic goals that will guide NAFSA’s work are Educate, Advocate, and Innovate.

  1. Educate.
    NAFSA educates and informs international educators throughout their careers. NAFSA:
    1. Provides professional development opportunities responsive to the ever-changing needs of the field;
    2. Creates and disseminates knowledge and resources to the field;
    3. Encourages and supports global learning and the integration of global perspectives throughout higher education by furthering comprehensive internationalization;
    4. Identifies critical trends and issues, and champions responses and initiatives that advance international education and shape the field.
  2. Advocate.
    NAFSA advocates for public policies that lead to a more globally informed, welcoming, and engaged United States. NAFSA:
    1. Advocates for policies that promote international education as a pillar of U.S. higher education;
    2. Advocates for policies that facilitate access to international education;
    3. Seeks to enhance global competency, foster global competitiveness, and sustain an informed civic culture through U.S. higher education;
    4. Supports the adoption of fair and transparent visa and immigration processes.
  3. Innovate.
    NAFSA thrives through innovation, cooperation, and effective organization. NAFSA:
    1. Develops and offers innovative programs, products, and services;
    2. Encourages new paradigms of internationalization that reflect ongoing transformations in higher education and the field of international education.
    3. Supports and promotes connections among stakeholders, partners, and other organizations at the regional, national, and international level to ensure success of the international education field.
    4. Advances diversity, equity, and inclusion in the international education profession.